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Narrative Design Outlines

Samples of Narrative outlines and story brainstorms that do not have enough content to get their own project page.

Hero Trials: Rise of Alyx


The protagonist grew up hearing stories of the legendary hero who would protect the world from the forces of chaos at the behest of the gods. He wielded a powerful blade imbued with the elemental powers of the gods, but when he died in battle protecting his love, the blade shatters. 


The protagonist sets out to follow in the steps of the ancient hero and to repair the Blade of the Ancients to defeat the agents of chaos in his stead.


It is a story of choosing to become the hero, rather than being born one. 

Finalized version

For A class called Story Development and Previsualization with AI I was able to use this previously created plot and refine it. This course focused on how to make AI work for us, so I used the AI to make concept art so I could create a more complete design document for the storyline I had written. I also took this time to refine the story and make it more cohesive and complete.


Initial Version

High-level story/plot outline for a game plotline that I worked on on in my free time as a solo project. I used this game doc, though messy, to organize other ideas and write newer, cleaner, and more specific documents. The game was originally called Destiny awaits, but this changed as the storyline was iterated and modified.




The protagonist grew up in a world on the brink of falling to the agents of chaos after the great hero of legend fell in battle. 


After his closest friend is harmed by creatures created by the chaos outside of the safe zone, the protagonist decides to take the hero's legendary Blade of Ancients and set out to convince each of the different deities' sages to lend him their blessed powers and unite with him against the forces of chaos that are encroaching into their homes. 


It is a story of becoming the hero everyone needs, even when the entire world says it is impossible. 

Lucidity Storyline/Lore Outline

High-level story/plot outline that was initially for the RPG OpenEra, developed by OpenDive, but when I quit the Startup Company to focus on my Masters at the ETC, they returned it to me after deciding to pivot completely. Thus I have repurposed it into Lucidity: The Never Ending Dream, and intend to continue developing it into a fully fleshed out storyline in my free time.


Narrative development was only developed in full to the alpha version which was intended to include the tutorial area at the center of the new world. The rest of the detailed narrative was going to be developed and introduced in further version updates, which did not happen during my time at OpenDive.



The protagonist, a denizen of a cyberpunk-like world, falls asleep one night only to wake up in an unknown wilderness of another world. As the protagonists searches for a way home from this foreign fantasy land, they help the citizens of this world and make allies, all while uncovering the strange connection that this world has to their own. 


The protagonist must travel through this world and their own, solve the hidden mysteries between them, and defeat their common enemy to protect both from oblivion.

Sushi Warrior Storyline/Lore

Lore outline for Sushi Warrior, a No-Loss DeFi RPG developed for OpenDive for the 2021 Soloana Hackathon. 





The player character is a chef and Samurai in search of the finest ingredients.

In this world there is a legend that the ultimate meal can grant you immense power, and the player character's dream is to create such a dish.


The player must forage, fight monsters, and explore new areas in search of the best ingredients in order to reach their ultimate goal. 

Other Narrative Outline Links

Other narrative design documents and lore outlines can be found under several project pages.

To the side are links to some notable project pages that I was a narrative designer for.




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